Monday 18 March 2013

General Thoughts

I have been neglecting my blog for the past week or so, due to university deadlines and busy-ness but mainly due to lack of inspiration. I've felt rather flat and boring. But, it's monday now so it's time to think fresh. To kickstart my day I even had a fresh juice! (2 carrots, 3 apples and 2 sticks of celery)- very refreshing indeed.

I wanted to share a few things that i've discovered and been up too!

London: This week I travelled to London to find out more about my masters course for next year (Digital Sociology at Goldsmiths). Being in a different university to the one I know so well felt rather weird. I felt like everybody knew I wasn't a student there (yet!), but of course that's just be being massively self conscious and paranoid! It's great because my younger cousin George is an undergraduate at Goldsmiths so he showed me the ropes, sometimes when you're in a new place, it's nice to have a comforting face :). I sat in a lecture conducted by Warren Sack from America, who discussed his ideas about language, image and numbers. Lots of it went over my head, but I actually did understand some of it (yey- my degree is useful!) and this made me incredibly excited for the future! I also met Noortje Marres, who is the convener for my course. She immediately made me comfortable and was very encouraging about my thoughts and ideas surrounding the subject. I literally can't wait to start now!

I'll be honest, I used to hate London its just SO BIG. I used to feel like such a small fish in a massive ocean, and just couldn't get my head around why anyone would ever want to live there. But over the past couple of years, my opinion has changed. The amount of diversity there is in London is amazing, you are able to be whoever you want to be with absolutely no judgements at all. I feel like London is going to open my mind and I feel very positive about it indeed!

New apps: My mum visited me this weekend and told me about a new app that she had downloaded called 'mappiness'. Its actually really rather sweet. Its a research study that's being conducted by LSE (London School of Economics) and it sends you about 4 notifications a day to ask you questions about how happy you're feeling at that particular time. At the end of the week/month (depending on how long you decide to use it) it will tell you where you're most happiest and who you're the most happiest with. Cute huh? The other new app that i've acquire is very silly- Its the monsters inc app which my housemate insisted that I bought, and admittedly it is rather fun!

Fear: To say that i am nervous about my dissertation, essays and final is the biggest understatement going. Petrified is probably a better word. Can someone please please tell me WHERE THE TIME GOES? How am I in the 8th week of my second semester? How is it easter next week? Why do I only have a month to finish (and start!) writing my dissertation? How am I leaving uni in June? How am I graduating in July? Oh my... Answers? Anyone?

Positivity: After feeling pretty flat for a few days, i've been reading a lot of positive blogs and quotes to get myself back to feeling normal. My friends and family have also been lovely :) So when you're feeling low- talk, a problem shared is a problem halved remember! Even if you can't think of someone you know that will understand, chances are there's someone on this lovely online community that has felt similar! Whats the point in wasting any time sad eh!

There's definitely more that i've been up to and have been thinking about.. but we'd be here for days if I carried on.. plus.. those essay's won't do them selves!

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