Friday 8 March 2013

International Women's Day

Its International Women's Day today, women are taking to social media and taking over in a big way. Even Google have got involved...
(If you scrunch your eyes up you can see 'google'- quite clearly actually)

For International Women's Day we should rejoice to be women and appreciate what opportunities we have in comparison to the past, right? Well yeah in a way, but there's still a LONG way to go. It could also be argued that actually we're going backwards in some respects- page 3, the generation of pink- I could go on.

It seems that today is the only day that we, as women, are allowed to speak up and say what we really think and feel, and on monday all will return to normal. 

The UN theme for International Women's Day 2013 is "A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women," while International Women's Day 2013 has declared the year's theme as The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum. I'm definitely not knocking the day, as I believe that it is important that oppression towards women is addressed, but what I think it really highlights is the lack of action that is taken by the 'big guns' i.e. press and government on an everyday basis. Food for thought?

The most inspirational women I know is my mum. She set up a media charity in a deprived area in Bristol, helping so many people - although sometimes it angers me that no appreciation is given- and is funny, strong and well.. my mum. She sent me a video link this morning which is here.. and I looked further and found her blog here.. I'm not going to talk too much about it as I recommend you watch and read... There are so many brave women and great organisations that strive to help women on a daily basis- maybe part of  International Women's Day could be about highlighting these people!

So what do you think? Am I just way too pessimistic? I don't mean to be...

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