Sunday 10 March 2013

University Elections

If you are at University you may well know what i'm talking about. There's basically a few posts that are up for grabs, for example; President, Athletic Union President, Welfare Officer and Media and Marketing Officer. 

In theory its a great cause, we as students, get to choose who runs our student union. We can relate to these people, they like us, have been students. The problem is ... their campaigns. Oh my. They are definitely in my top 5 most annoying things of all time. The candidates are given a certain amount of money (i think £40) to spend on their campaign. The money goes on outfits, flyers and banners and disqualification can occur if it is suspected that you have breached this as it causes unfair advantage.

Our main library is just off a central crossroad, and all the campaigners gather around the cross roads dressed up in outfits that 'relate' to their campaign and constantly pester you with leaflets and shout in your face.. 'make sure you vote for me'. Basically whoever wins, knows they've just bagged a cushty job for £18-£23k for the year. So, of course they are RELENTLESS. My facebook news feed was clogged up, every group that i'm a member of was full of 'manifestos' (just weird videos to be honest) and the worst, the hassling IN THE LIBRARY. It's great that some of you can waste a week campaigning- but I HAVE A DISSERTATION to write. 

On the up side, I did investigate more thoroughly, deciding that I would not be voting for anyone who pestered me in the library and I would watch their videos to see if any of them related to the campaign and wasn't just people running and dancing around. Some of the videos were really interesting, explaining what it was they wanted to do for the university and how they were going to attempt to change the faults of the university. 

I do believe that of course, the roles that are given out are important for the uni and the students, and these people that we elect have genuine responsibilities to improve the current systems. Its just a shame that the whole thing turns into a popularity contest- who has the most friends that will post about you, who can get their face printed onto club flyers for free. I hope that in the future, these cheesy annoying campaigns could become slightly more - sophisticated. I mean we are leaving the Student Union in these peoples hands...

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