Tuesday 19 February 2013

Generic Q & A

I've seen these posts done time and time again and thought i'd jump on the bandwagon! So here's a few more facts about me :) 

Me: Dorothy Mae Baker Hassan

Nicknames: Dotty, Dorry, Midge, Monkey
Birthday: 6th January 1991
Place of Birth: Bristol
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: Student
Residence: Currently Cardiff

Hair Colour: Brown- light, sometimes an auburn colour in the sun
Hair Length: Long- naturally wavy
Eye colour: Greeny Brown
Piercing: Ears, Nose and Belly Button
Tattoos: None- I want one though
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your 'Firsts':
First best friend: Rachel Ashley- she's such a sweetheart!
First Award: Probably Ballet or Gymnastic related
First Sport You Joined: Ballet.. when i was 3!
First Real Vacation: India- i'm lucky enough to have revisited, such a beautiful place
First Concert: S Club 7- bloomin brilliant

Movie: I love so many, top 3- Shawshank (classic), Notebook (generic), The Good Life (comfort)
TV Show: Silent Witness (such a beast), New Girl, Green Wing, Neighbours (I know- its quite embarrasing, but i'm hooked!)
Colours: Blue
Song: Thats a toughy, I think it's very mood dependent
Restaurant: Wagamamas- hands down the best places EVER
Shop: Primark, Topshop and my favourite.. EBAY
School: I loved my secondary school, Nailsea
Book: How I live now- Meg Rosoff. Such a beautiful, sad story. 
Magazine: Cosmo & Glamour
Shoes: My amazing boots that my lovely boyfriend bought me. They're literally amazing.

Single or Taken: Taken
Thinking About: My future- very exciting!
Wanting: Happiness- from love, career and travel

Want Children?: Yes
Want to be Married: Yes 
Careers in Mind: Something to do with the digital world...
Where do you want to live?: London for a bit, New Zealand for a bit, India, Bristol... I'm pretty open to where  I live in the future

Do You Believe In:
God: Undecided to be honest.
Fate: Yeah
Love At First sight: Yes, personally it hasn't happened to me. But I definitely think it can!
Ghosts: Not sure
Aliens: No
Soul Mates: Yes
Heaven: Maybe
Hell: Maybe
Kissing on The First Date: Yeah
Yourself: Mostly, I'm trying to become more self believing. But it's hard to be all of the time!

Hopefully that's a little bit of an insight!

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