Wednesday 13 February 2013


Lent is like a New Years Resolution, you think about everything you eat thats bad for you in your life and attempt to give it up for a whole 40 DAYS! That is a LONG time! A lot of the time we don't actually manage to stick to these high expectations, and manage to crumble and then feel awful about ourselves.  

This year, rather than deciding that nothing bad for me is allowed to pass my lips, i've decided to look at it from a new angle... A kickstart to a healthier lifestyle if you will...(after the pancakes on shrove tuesday though....)

I have signed up for a 10km run in May and have done hardly any training AT ALL so far! So for Lent i will give up 'putting it off' and get my butt outside and run!

What will you be giving up this year?

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