Wednesday 27 February 2013

Life of Pi: Film Review

Life of Pi by Yann Martel is such a beautifully written book. My mum gave it to me to read when I was about 12, she often would encourage me to read 'more challenging' books as I was actually quite uninterested in reading at one point. But the book took me to such a wonderful place, it was exciting and allowed my imagination to run wild! So.. when the film came out- it obviously had a LOT to live up to.

Life of Pi (2012)

It didn't disappoint at all. Me and Joe went to see it, and purchased our 3D glasses (I always buy a new pair- note to self, make sure I ALWAYS take this pair when seeing a 3D film!) bought some sweets and settled in.

If you're unfamiliar with the story, its about a family that own a zoo in india. Its protagonist is Pi, a young boy who is incredibly in touch with his spiritual side and can't pick just one religion, as he is 'just trying to find god'. I love what Martel is saying here, that we need to have a much more open mind to religion and become much more mindful and. Unfortunately they need to move the zoo to Canada so embark on an 'adventure' and load the animals onto a ship. The ship then comes into trouble as a storm hits, and the ship eventually sinks. Pi's family sadly don't make it through the storm and he is left stranded on a lifeboat.

When he wakes up he realises that his travelling buddies include a lovely orangutan, zebra and a horrible hyena! There is a deeply unsettling part at this point which had me in tears when I read the book and watched the film (joe was pretty devastated too!), but I don't want to give TOO much away! But, you'll be familiar with good old Richard Parker by the end. The way he acquires his name is also rather funny.

So, basically its a beautiful story which is exquisitely shot, the 3D animations are IN-CRED-IB-LE! Thee are some gorgeous coloured scenes! If possible, the book is a brilliant read. But if you don't get round to reading the book, the film speaks for itself. A MUST see, for all ages and all moods! It made me feel very spiritual and very 'at peace' - if that's even a feeling?

IMDb- 8.2/10
I give it - 8.2/10 - I'll have to agree with IMDb this time!

Big ratings to the acting by  (who played Pi)- Loved it!

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