Tuesday 19 February 2013

Good News!

This is my penultimate term at Cardiff University (ahhhhhh) but it seems to be blessing me and my friends with great news for the future. I have struggled throughout uni to discover what it is I really want to do. I have toyed with teaching, events management and even running a tea shop ( I still want to do this at some point...)! It wasn't until my boyfriend applied to do a masters at LSE (and got in..!) that I thought more seriously about the future and whether a masters might be a good option for me too. Browsing the internet led me to what I think is 'the perfect course ever', Digital Sociology at Goldsmiths University in London. It's a course that will teach me computer skills along with ways of analysing technology from a sociological perspective. So I went ahead and applied, not thinking I would get in as sometimes I have this annoying habit when I think I definitely CAN'T do it.. BUT... 8 days later, the beautiful email arrived in my inbox offering me a place!

hello london!

Some more of the success's that my friends have managed to bag is graduate schemes with the civil service, Microsoft, placements in opticians and PGCES. Most of these friends didn't actually think THEY would get it.. All goes to show that we need to have a little bit of faith in ourselves, and we may go far!

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