Wednesday 13 February 2013

Valentines Day

Valentines day is a tough one for some people, they dwell on being single and wimper at the sight of loved up couples. I'd like to talk about one of my lovely friends who completely embraces being single. She doesn't see being single as a negative thing at all, she goes out when she wants, wears what she wants, hangs out with who she wants and never has to justify herself to anyone. However, this doesn't mean she's anti men at all. She's happy to go on dates and meet men but is such a gentle and laid back girl, that if the spark isn't there, she's just happy to remain friends.

Although i'm in a relationship and love my boyfriend very much, i wish people that were single would embrace it, and take a leaf out of my friends book! See it as a choice rather than a problem! I believe there is someone out there for everyone, you may just not have found them yet! I also think that you can't depend on someone else making you happy. It is important to be happy within yourself before diving into relationships.

So if you're single this valentines day, do something thats completely for you, something that will make YOU happy!

Love yourself.


  1. Hope you had a really lovely valentines day. Single or not everyone deserves a chance to feel loved and special.

    Hope you are well! Take Care :) xxx

    1. You're definitely right! Everyone deserves a chance to be loved. Its important to love yourself first though right? Thank you for my first comment :) xx
