Tuesday 26 February 2013

Silver Linings Playbook: Film Review

Jennifer Lawrence is one of my absolute idols. She's gorgeous, curvy and funny. Check out the link below of her at the oscars.
She was brilliant in the Hunger Games also- which I will definitely blog about in the future!

Silver Linings Playbook (2012) - Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence

Anyway. Enough about my girl crush- the film. The film's main character is Pat (played by Bradley Cooper) who is released from a mental institution after lashing out about his wife having an affair. Once out, he moves back with his parents and attempts to rekindle a relationship with the ex wife, but meanwhile meets Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) who has some mental problems of her own!

This film is very sweet. Bradley Cooper performs well, especially as its a type of character that he hasn't really played before. Its funny and dark all at the same time. For me, it put some things in perspective, the way I think about bipolar and depression. It makes you think in a very real way, about real problems. How sometimes we can be nuts and totally loopy, and its kind of okay. The title in itself stuck with me for ages and what it actually meant. Like yeah, sometimes things can be hopelessly shit, but always look for the silver lining- if you look hard enough, it'll be there. This links in with fate, and the whole 'one door closes, another opens' kind of thing..

Its a lovely film, it made me weepy because it really spoke to me. I don't think it's for everyone- it would be way to soppy for my mum... But it was perfect for someone that sometimes feels alone- and completely bonkers.

It will bring you back to the world a bit and shine a new perspective.

IMDb - 8/10
I give it a 9, maybe, on a very reflective day, i might go higher.

This film, and the way you see it, WILL be personal. I can tell you what happens, who's in it etc etc etc... But the way you connect and feel about the film will be the deciding factor...

Moral: There's always a silver lining :)

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